CSY Families,
Have you adjusted to the time change yet? Have your children adjusted to the time change? While adjusting to the loss of an hour of sleep is challenging, it's followed by something I look forward to...spring! I am grateful for the experience of different seasons. Each season brings with it an element of change that I look forward to. As I recently entered a new season of my life, the 50 and over club, it has caused me to spend some time in reflection of the various seasons of my own life, as well as the various seasons of my walk with Jesus. There have been seasons of pain and joy, seasons of stunted growth and seasons of rejuvenation, seasons of success and those of failure. With time, perspective, maturity, and prayerfully wisdom, we can come to realize that our best experiences in life have been magnified because of the fires we have walked through. For those of us with a relationship with Jesus, what a comfort it is to know that we never have to go through any season alone...good or bad, Jesus walks, or in some cases, carries us through the storm.
To parents, I want to encourage you, stay committed to the Lord. Trust in His deliverance through the valleys of life. If you are going through challenging times at work, in the home, with child rearing...take heart in these words from our Heavenly Father, found in Isaiah 40:31, "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
If you need prayer or support, please know you are always invited to reach out to me or our staff. We desire to support you and your family to the fullest. May God bless you and your family, and may a season of new life, new growth and new joy be upon you.
Finally, in this report it's my desire to share some very important upcoming events with you all.
Thursday, March 16, PA House Republican Policy Committee Hearing on "Educational Opportunities for Our Children" will take place at CSY from 12:30-2:30 pm. The public is welcome to attend as school choice legislation is discussed. CSY will feature a parent and student speaker as part of the discussion.
Thursday, March 23, Leaders in Ministry Consortium, 9:30 - 11:00 am. Open to anyone working in ministry. Be encouraged and share in ideas on how to Impact the World for Christ!
Thursday, March 30, Coffee Talk with Mr. Bell, all Association Members (K-12 parents) are invited to attend and hear about how CSY is continuing to grow and meet the needs of our students. This is also a great time to ask questions and share about your family's experiences.
Thursday, April 27, CSY Association Meeting, 6 pm. All Association Members are encouraged to attend. The meeting will include a financial report, vision for CSY, and election of board members.
May 1-5, Accreditation Week. The Middle States Commission on Higher Education will be sending a team of educators to conduct direct inspection of CSY and issue our accreditation.
Monday, May 15, 3rd Annual Golf For Education Event at the Outdoor Country Club. To register or sponsor the event go to: www.csyonline.com/events/golf
Blessings and peace,
R. Andrew Bell
Christian School of York