We’ve made it!
That’s probably how many students, parents and teachers are feeling after graduation. Another chapter in the journey of our children has been written, and I have no doubt that some of the pages of this last chapter have been filled with laughter, some with tears, others with growth and some with doubts and questions. As a parent and an educator, I can relate to those mixed feelings. But, whether the past year has had more ups or more downs, you can experience peace and assurance that God is at work and that He has a plan for you, your family and your child. I would encourage everyone to continue reading, studying and praying about our theme verse for this past year. If you are experiencing a season of drought, this verse will remind you of God’s promises.
On May 30, 2023, the Christian School of York conducted its annual Commencement Ceremony. This annual rite of passage always serves as a real encouragement to me. It’s when we finally get to see all of the puzzle pieces that God has orchestrated come together to reveal this picture of who our students are maturing to be. The picture we see at graduation was very likely unrecognizable a few years ago, or in some cases a few months ago. It is only by the grace of God, prayer, and patience that we gain the perspective to appreciate what God was doing this whole time.
As I drove to school on graduation morning and reflected on my 29 years in education, it dawned on me that I have witnessed the graduation of over 9,000 students and had the privilege to teach over 5,000 more. I am so incredibly grateful for these years of perspective that God has blessed me with, because God has taught me that “through” us HE alone can do great things. As our commencement speaker, Mr. Pete Whery, shared with us in his graduation address, “trees grow stronger when they are exposed to the wind.” Our children are like young trees. They need both the winds and the living water to grow taller and stronger. If we remove all the wind, the trees will eventually collapse. If we remove the living water, they will ultimately die. May God grant us the wisdom and discernment to know when our children need us to shield them from the wind and when to allow them to lean into it.
I pray that this summer will be another season of growth for our school, your children and our families.
Stay rooted,
R. Andrew Bell
Superintendent Christian School of York